
Are you interested in buying products from NETIO? Do you need a driver for your AV installation? If yes, we have great news for you! 


NETIO products together with our partner Intrinsic Dev launched a special promo campaign: buy a driver from Intrinsic Dev and get a discount for any product from NETIO!

How to get the discount:

  • go to Intrinsic Dev web page with NETIO drivers: https://www.intrinsicdev.com/brands/netio/
  • choose one of the NETIO PRO drivers you want to purchase (RTI, Control4, ELAN)
  • purchase the driver and receive a special code from Intrinsic
  • go to NETIO's web shop: https://shop.netio.eu/
  • choose a product and leave the special code in the notes

If you have any questions about the discount, please contact us nyermaganbetova@netio.eu - we'll be happy to help you.

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