User library

AN06 is a pair of Lua scripts that send, once per day, an e-mail report showing how many times was each output switched, and how much energy the respective appliance consumed in terms of kWh and price (€ / $ / CZK ...). Receive a report every day about the electricity consumed in a day and in a week at each output (electrical socket). 

Do you have any questions?

Supported devices: NETIO 4All, PowerPDU 4C, NETIO 4 (without consumption data),


The scripts, Script A (Daily report) and Script B (Switch counter), send a daily overview of individual inputs (consumption [Wh / kWh], price of the energy consumed, number of times the output was switched). The e-mail reports contains details for the past 24h, as well as the average for the past 7 days for comparison.


Script A (Daily report) periodically sends the e-mail and reads the consumption. Script B (Switch counter) detects and counts the switching events for each output.


Sample of AN06 email:


Configuring e-mail in NETIO 4x

In the NETIO 4x device, e-mail parameters need to be set in the web configuration.


In the Settings – Email section of the web interface, set the parameters as follows:

  • SMTP server
    • Address of the SMTP server of your e-mail provider (such as smtp.google.com, smtp.seznam.cz)
  • Enable SMTP authentication
    • Checked
    • Username - your e-mail address
    • Password - password associated with your e-mail address
    • Enable TLS encryption - checked
  • To
    • E-mail address
  • Use custom sender address
    • Optional
  • Send daily reports about NETIO 4All health
    • Optional (does not affect AN06)
    • PWhen checked, the following report is sent periodically. This report is completely unrelated to the AN06 periodic e-mails.

Note: These are the recommended settings. Different e-mail service providers may require different settings. We recommend checking the settings against your provider’s recommended settings.


Sample daily report sent by the NETIO 4x device:

Daily report for device myNetio, date 2019-07-21.




    Hour   System load   Incomming traffic


   0 - 1             -           -

   1 - 2             -           -

   2 - 3             -           -

   3 - 4             -           -

   4 - 5             -           -

   5 - 6             -           -

   6 - 7             -           -

   7 - 8             -           -

   8 - 9             -           -

  9 - 10             -           -

 10 - 11             -           -

 11 - 12             -           -

 12 - 13             -           -

 13 - 14             -           -

 14 - 15             -           -

 15 - 16             -           -

 16 - 17             -           -

 17 - 18             -           -

 18 - 19             -           -

 19 - 20             -           -

 20 - 21             -           -

 21 - 22             -           -

 22 - 23             -           -

 23 - 24             -           -





Errors: 0

Warnings: 0


=== System ===



=== Manager ===



=== Networking ===



=== Users ===



=== Storage ===



=== Devices ===


Creating the rules for scripts A and B

In the Actions section of NETIO 4 web administration, click Create Rule to add a rule


Skript A (Daily report)

1) Fill in the following parameters:

  • Enabled: checked
  • Name: Daily report (user-defined)
  • Description: Daily report about NETIO (user-defined)
  • Trigger: System started up
  • Schedule: Always


2) Copy the following code and paste it into the field for the Lua script:


------------NETIO AN06------------

------------Section 1------------
local electricityPrice = "0.12" -- price for kWh
local currency = "$" -- currency
local emailReport = "my.email@gmail.com" -- your email
---------End of Section 1---------

local emailTime = "01:00:00"

local initialEnergy = {}
local weekStats = {}

for i=1,7 do
  weekStats[i] = {energy={0,0,0,0},switches={0,0,0,0}}

function initialize()
  local stringTime = os.date("%X")
  local time = (3600*tonumber(stringTime:sub(1,2)) + 60*tonumber(stringTime:sub(4,5)) + tonumber(stringTime:sub(7,8)))
  local emTime = (3600*tonumber(emailTime:sub(1,2)) + 60*tonumber(emailTime:sub(4,5)) + tonumber(emailTime:sub(7,8)))
  for i=1,4 do
    initialEnergy[i] = devices.system["output" .. i .. "_cumulatedConsumption"]

  delay(86400-time+emTime,function() dailyReport() end)

function dailyReport()
  local day = tonumber(os.date("%w"))
  -- os.date("%w") returns 0 for Sunday
  if day == 0 then day = 7 end
  local prevDay = day - 1
  if prevDay == 0 then prevDay = 7 end
  -- get data about switching
  if _G.weekSwitches[prevDay].switches == nil then
    weekStats[prevDay].switches = {0,0,0,0}
    weekStats[prevDay].switches = _G.weekSwitches[prevDay].switches
    -- reset counter for previous day
    _G.weekSwitches[prevDay].switches = {0,0,0,0}
  for i=1,4 do
    if devices.system["output" .. i .. "_cumulatedConsumption"] ~= nil then
      weekStats[prevDay].energy[i] = devices.system["output" .. i .. "_cumulatedConsumption"] - initialEnergy[i]
      initialEnergy[i] = devices.system["output" .. i .. "_cumulatedConsumption"]
      weekStats[prevDay].energy[i] = 0
      initialEnergy[i] = 0

  -- formating email
  local text = "AN06 - Daily report from NETIO device\n"
  text = text .. os.date("%c") .. "\n"
  text = text .. "----------------------------------\n"
  text = text .. "Last 24 hours:\n"
  for i=1,4 do
    text = text .. "Output" .. i .. ": "
    text = text .. weekStats[prevDay].energy[i] .. "[Wh], "
    local price = computePrice(weekStats[prevDay].energy[i])
    text = text .. price .. currency .. ", "
    text = text .. weekStats[prevDay].switches[i] .. "x switched\n"
  text = text .. "----------------------------------\n"
  text = text .. "Last 7 days:\n"
  for i=1,4 do
    text = text .. "Output" .. i .. ": "
    local sumEnergy = 0
    local sumSwitches = 0
    for j=1,7 do
      sumEnergy = sumEnergy + weekStats[j].energy[i]
      sumSwitches = sumSwitches + weekStats[j].switches[i]
    text = text .. sumEnergy .. "[Wh], "
    local price = computePrice(sumEnergy)
    text = text .. price .. currency .. ", "
    text = text .. sumSwitches .. "x switched\n"
  logf("Sending daily report, day: %d",day)
  mail(emailReport,"NETIO daily report",text,5)
  delay(86400,function() dailyReport() end)

function computePrice(energy)
  local price = string.gsub(electricityPrice,'%.','')
  return tonumber(price)*energy/100000 

log("Mail skript started")
-- Measurment variables are not available after power up, some delay is necessary
delay(1,function() initialize() end)

To finish creating the rule, click Create Rule at the bottom of the screen.


Skript B (Switch counter)

1) Fill in the following parameters:

  • Enabled: checked
  • Name: Switch counter (user-defined)
  • Description: Switching counter for daily report (user-defined)
  • Trigger: DO state changed
  • Schedule: Always

2) Copy the following code and paste it into the field for the Lua script:


------------NETIO AN06------------
local day = tonumber(os.date("%w"))
-- os.date("%w") returns 0 for Sunday
if day == 0 then day = 7 end

-- Initializing
if _G.weekSwitches == nil then
  _G.weekSwitches = {}
  for i=1,7 do
    _G.weekSwitches[i] = {switches={0,0,0,0}}
  --Script is triggered once on power up for every output
  _G.weekSwitches[day] = {switches={-1,-1,-1,-1}}

-- Incrementing counter
for k in pairs(event.args) do
  _G.weekSwitches[day].switches[tonumber(k:sub(7,7))] = _G.weekSwitches[day].switches[tonumber(k:sub(7,7))] + 1

3) To finish creating the rule, click Create Rule at the bottom of the screen.


After creating the scripts, both scripts should be shown in the list of scripts.


Method of operation

  • Script A (Daily report) periodically sends the e-mail and reads the consumption.
  • Script B (Switch counter) detects each event of switching an output at the device, and counts the events in a global variable.
  • When the device is started, Script A (Daily report) is initialized and the current values of energy consumption counters are read. The script sends the first periodic e-mail at 1:00 am. The e-mail contains a report about the consumption at each power output, the number of switching events, and the price of the energy consumed. In addition to previous day’s data, information concerning the past 7 days is also included
  • The script uses a global variable, _G.weekSwitches, to keep track of the number of switching events. When creating other scripts, make sure to avoid a name conflict with this variable.


Setting the variable

  • electricityPrice
    • This variable contains the unit price for one kWh.
    • The variable needs to be entered as a string.
    • Two decimal places are mandatory.
    • The calculated price is rounded down to the nearest integer.
    • For example, to specify 12 cents per kWh: local electricityPrice = "12.00"
  • currency
    • Specifies the currency in which electricityPrice is expressed.
    • For example, to specify ¢: local currency = "¢"
  • email
    • Recipient’s e-mail address to which the reports are sent.
    • It is a string so it has to be enclosed in double quotes.
    • For example, to send the reports to my.email@gmail.com: local email =  "my.email@gmail.com"




1) Is it possible to receive the reports at another time instead of 1 AM?

Yes, simply modify the emailTime variable. Make sure to keep the same format. For example, to specify 3:30pm: local emailTime= "15:30:00".


2) Is it possible get the daily reports from a NETIO power socket device without the energy metering function?

Yes. The e-mail will just show zero consumption and zero price.


3) What happens with the email if the NETIO device is offline at the specified time?

In this case, the e-mail is not sent. NETIO must be able to connect to the SMTP server at the time of sending the e-mail.


4) If the power is interrupted, is the consumption data lost?

Yes. If there is a power outage, all data is reset. The data for the past 7 days are only recorded as from the last restart.

5) Can the NETIO device send an e-mail whenever it is started?

Yes. For a ready-made script and configuration instructions, see AN05.



Supported FW versions:

3.1.0 and higher



Supported devices:

Ask for a price or technical parameters

For device testing use name/password demo/demo