13 protocols

As of 1st November 2018, NETIO 4x products support the following M2M protocols:


  1. Telnet
  2. SNMP v1
  3. SNMP v3
  4. Modbus/TCP
  5. MQTT generic
  6. MQTT MS Azure
  7. XML over HTTP (REST)
  8. XML over HTTPs (REST)
  9. JSON over HTTP (REST)
  10. JSON over HTTPs (REST)
  11. URL API over HTTP (REST)
  12. URL API over HTTPs (REST)
  13. SIP VoIP (experimental fw available on request)


M2M Active Client:

  1. Lua PING request (AN09, AN24, AN25)
  2. Lua XML over HTTP(s) get (AN13, AN14)
  3. Lua URL API over HTTP(s) get (AN06)
  4. Lua SNMP (AN16)
  5. Lua MQTT (AN35)
  6. Lua RS-232 (Serial port) (AN18)

>> For more details, see the overview of M2M protocols



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