NETIO PowerCable MQTT 101x is a professional WiFi power socket featuring open API for integration with cloud IoT services. The output socket can be controlled (On/Off) and electricity consumption measured (A, Wh, TPF, V, ..) from any IoT service. The WiFi socket supports the MQTT-flex communication protocol that allows adapting the MQTT communication to your needs. With the NETIO Cloud service, the outputs can be controlled from anywhere. The NETIO Cloud service, provided for a fee, uses SSL security and servers in Europe.



This version of the product is no longer available. All functions of this model are now included in PowerCable REST 101x




The device can be configured with a web browser (MQTT communication settings, WiFi configuration etc). The web interface can be used to control the socket (ON/OFF) and read the measured energy consumption parameters (V, A, kWh, W, Hz, TruePF).

PowerCable MQTT is a smart IoT power socket with WiFi in the form of an extension cable. Using WiFi, the device connects to a local LAN. Then, MQTT or HTTP(s) Push is used to connect to the configured cloud service. The cloud service can control the socket (ON/OFF) and analyze the measured electricity consumption data.

PowerCable MQTT can be connected to any MQTT broker (LAN / internet) or to your own online service. With MQTT-flex, the MQTT communication structure (Topic & Payload + trigger conditions) can be customized to fit your needs.

PowerCable MQTT offers rapid large-scale deployment using NFC configuration as well as quality design and construction. The product operates reliably in a wide temperature range, supports firmware upgrades over the web, can be controlled using its documented API, features accurate measurements of electrical parameters (1% accuracy), offers zero current switching and more.


Usage of PowerCable MQTT 101x

Do you need a 230V electrical socket that can be controlled and metered from a cloud portal? PowerCable MQTT 101x is a product for you. This industrial WiFi socket is ideal for switching 230V electrical sockets on/off and analyzing the power parameters from a cloud. The target MQTT broker can be in the local network or in the public internet.

  • IoT applications: Remote monitoring of powered appliances
  • Shared premises: Allocating energy costs to individual users
  • Smart Home: Integration into residential buildings, energy savings
  • Industrial monitoring: IIoT applications, predictive maintenance, efficiency control (energy savings by disconnecting unused equipment) in the manufacturing industry
  • Energy consumption measurement for detecting appliance outages (refrigerator, water pump, 3D printer, laboratory equipment, ...)
  • In the area of Digital signage or AV (Audio Video) multimedia, companies often use NETIO sockets to control multimedia screens and to monitor their functionality (using power measurements)


Quick WiFi connection setup + WiFi Reconnect

PowerCable MQTT connects to the LAN using WiFi (internal antenna).

AP (Access Point) installation mode

Quick network connection setup

Connection to a WiFi network is very simple:

  • NETIO PowerCable creates a WiFi Access point that you connect to with your PC or mobile phone.
  • It then scans for WiFi networks in the vicinity, and lets you choose from a list and type the password.
  • NETIO PowerCable then confirms the connection to the network and displays the assigned IP address.
  • NETIO PowerCable devices can be discovered in the LAN using the NETIO Discover tool.

Another option is the NFC-preconfig function that allows for an even easier configuration of the network connection (see the NFC-preconfig section).


WiFi Reconnect for stability and availability

The NETIO WiFi Reconnect feature ensures stable availability of the device in an ordinary WiFi network. WiFi Reconnect ensures a stable LAN connection even in cases of an unstable WiFi AP, a necessity to switch over from one WiFi AP to another due to fluctuating signal, and so on.

Ask for a price or technical parameters


This product can be connected to the NETIO Cloud service (100 outputs can be controlled from 1 web screen). NETIO Cloud is an ideal solution for remote control and restarting.
The paid NETIO Cloud service is operated by NETIO products a.s. as a support for manufactured equipment.

  • All products manufactured by NETIO products can be connected to NETIO Cloud.
  • The user can control connected devices securely via the web from anywhere (HTTPs).
  • The first 3 years are free connection to the service thanks to the "Welcome credit".
  • NETIO Cloud can be used in parallel with other Open API protocols.
  • Secure device communication to the Cloud service (port 8883 - MQTTs - TLS)
  • NETIO Cloud has its own Open API, which can be used to control all devices in a specific user account (MQTTS protocol).

>> More about NETIO Cloud service


Open API for connecting to cloud services

Using M2M communication protocols, the socket can be controlled by issuing a command (On / Off / Toggle / Short On / Short Off) as well as send consumption data to your cloud service. In the cloud, electrical measurements (consumption) can be analyzed in real time in order to monitor numerous electrical appliances that cannot be monitored in any other way. Supply voltage monitoring can reveal, if a TV screen with an advertisement is switched on, whether or not a fridge or an A/C works, and so on. Typical applications include the allocation of electricity costs among individual appliances according to their consumption.

PowerCable MQTT with a cloud service enables cost-effective monitoring of appliances that would be very costly to monitor with other methods in the required numbers.

PowerCable MQTT 101x supports several open M2M protocols for connecting to any cloud service or broker:

  • MQTT-flex (configurable MQTT)
  • HTTP(s) Push - JSON
  • HTTP(s) Push - XML


MQTT / MQTT-flex

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a M2M protocol for exchanging messages. It is often used for IoT applications and for communicating with a cloud because the device actively establishes the connection to the server. The protocol includes native support for SSL encryption. 

MQTT has become popular in recent years; however, different devices support different data structures and different rules for sending messages. This complicates data processing at the server side. To alleviate this problem, NETIO allows customizing the message structure using the “MQTT-flex” extension.


MQTT-flex configuration

The MQTT protocol in PowerCable MQTT 101x can be configured in detail thanks to the MQTT-flex extension. In the text-based MQTT-flex configuration, it is possible to define the MQTT message structure (Topic / Payload) as well as the conditions for sending individual messages (periodically, when a value changes by more than x, and so on).


More information about MQTT-flex


Standard configuration

In the default configuration, all measured values are sent every 15 minutes, and the current [A] and power [Wh] values are sent whenever the consumption of the connected appliance changes.


HTTP(s) Push - JSON

PowerCable MQTT 101x periodically connects to the specified server over http / https and sends data in a .json (JavaScript Object Notation) structure.   The communication is one-way only; it can only be used for the measured values.

  • The time period for connecting to the server can be set as short as 10 seconds.
  • JSON uses the standard http port 80 (enabled in most local area networks).
  • The HTTPs version uses SSL encryption.
  • The JSON format is very common

>> HTTP(s) Push – JSON


HTTP(s) Push - XML

PowerCable MQTT 101x periodically connects to the specified server over http / https and sends data in a .xml (EXtensible Markup Language) structure.    The communication is one-way only; it can only be used for the measured values.

  • The time period for connecting to the server can be set as short as 10 seconds.
  • The XML protocol uses the default http port 80 (enabled in most internal networks)
  • The HTTPs version uses SSL encryption.

>> HTTP(s) Push - XML



NFC pre-config - Install the device in 60 seconds

The WiFi network (SSID and password) to which the PowerCable connects at the installation site can be configured without even turning the device on. Our mobile application (NETIO Mobile 2) transfers the configuration from a phone or a tablet over NFC. This technology significantly reduces the installation time when installing many devices.

The entire process including unpacking takes at most 60 seconds, and then your smart socket is connected to the MQTT broker.

NFC pre-config can be also used for a quick integration with a cloud portal. The cloud portal provides the configuration file for the mobile app. The configuration is then uploaded to the PowerCable over NFC, even without the need to switch the device on.

>> More about NFC-preconfig


NETIO PowerPDU 4C is small PDU with power measurement and IEC-320 outputs

Electrical measurement

PowerCable MQTT 101x measures all important electrical parameters. Detailed electrical measurements of electrical quantities can be analyzed to discover the real state of the powered appliances.

The measured electrical values are shown in the web interface as well as in the supported M2M cloud protocols (MQTT and HTTP(s) Push XML / JSON).

Each PowerCable is two-point calibrated during manufacturing to measure consumption with a high accuracy.

  • Current [A]
  • Output power [W]
  • Energy [Wh]
  • TPF (True Power Factor)
  • Voltage [V]
  • Grid frequency [Hz]
  • Phase [-180 … 180°]

>> More about electrical metering


Software for recording measured values (comming soon)

For simple applications, NETIO has prepared a simple NETIO-data-collector tool. It runs on a server (in the customer’s network or in the public internet) and collects electricity consumption data for individual electrical sockets.

  • Data input: Any NETIO device with HTTP Push (up to 250 devices tested)
  • Data output: Database with energy consumption of input devices in time as a .csv file
  • Runs on: Python scripts, any server.

>> NETIO GitHub


Software applications by third parties

We support similar applications by third parties. Look for our ANxx (Application Notes) and third-party applications.

>> Our partners


Industrial product quality

NETIO sockets are made with quality in mind. Each unit includes a set of supporting functions to ensure reliability and long service life of your equipment:


Mobile app controlled power sockets

Mobile Application

PowerCable MQTT 101x can be controlled over the local network using the NETIO Mobile 2 app (for Android mobile devices).

  • The mobile app can be used to control several devices and all their outputs.
  • The mobile device must be connected to the same LAN (via WiFi).
  • NETIO Mobile2 can scan the LAN and discover connected devices. WiFi connection to the LAN is required.


NETIO Mobile 2 is not available for iOS users. We recommend using third-party apps:

 >> NETIO Mobile 2



General properties



Smart switching



OEM ready

Lua scripts

- 1 ZCS 6 values - - Modbus/TCP, Telnet
- - 1 ZCS 6 values - - XML, JSON, URL API
- - 1 ZCS 6 values - - MQTT (MQTT-flex)
- - 1 ZCS 6 values - - - IQRF
PowerCable OEM
(comming soon)
- - 1 ZCS 6 values - XML, JSON, URL API,
Modbus/TCP, Telnet,
MQTT (MQTT-flex),
HTTP Push (xml, json)


Technical specifications

  • Cloud controlled power socket with energy metering for consumption analysisLAN (RJ45): No
  • WiFi: Yes (internal antenna, 802.11 b/g/n; 2.4GHz)
  • WiFi Reconnect: Yes
  • Online demo: Yes (Login: demo/demo)
  • Web: Built-in web server



  • M2M API protocol: MQTT-flex, HTTP(s) Push XML / HTTP(s) Push JSON
  • HTTPs support: Yes 
  • NETIO Cloud: Yes 
  • Lua support: No


  • Scheduler function: No
  • IP WatchDog function: No
  • Sending emails: No
  • WiFi AP network mode support: No
  • Event log: Yes (web)


NETIO PowerCable plug variants

  • Power Input: The “x” in the “101x” model number specifies the plug type
  • Power output: The “x” in the “101x” model number specifies the socket type
  • Maximum load: 230V / 16A (10A for 101J and 101S, 13A for 101G)
  • Voltage: 230V / 50Hz (Model 101S also supports 110V / 60Hz)



  • Internal consumption: Max 1,2 W
  • Energy metering (6 values):


  • SPD - surge protection: Yes, type 3
  • IOC (output state independent on FW updates): Yes
  • ZCS (zero-current output switching): Yes
  • Default output state: On / Off / Last state


  • Mechanical characteristics: Plastic housing - 180 x 40 x 30 mm + 2x 0,55m cable
  • Protection: IP30
  • Mechanical mounting: No
  • Sound output: No
  • Temperature range: -10°C to +65°C (for 65°C, max. current is 5A)
  • Designed and manufactured: European Union (Czech Republic, Prague)



Expand all

Is it possible to change the on/off state with the button on the power extension cable?

Yes, push the button 3 times to switch the output.

Is it possible to specify in which state the output (metered power socket) will be after power-up?

Yes, when the PowerCable is powered up, the output is set according to the PowerUp Init setting (On / Off / LAST value). This parameter can be set in the web interface in the detailed output configuration.

I forgot the password, or WiFi is inaccessible, how can I reset the device to factory defaults?

To restore factory defaults, hold the button pressed, plug the device into a mains outlet and keep holding the button for at least 10 seconds (Green LED quickly flashing for 1sec). The device reverts to factory settings and the AP mode is activated (Yellow LED blinks quickly).

For the current procedure, see the PowerCable xxx QIG (Quick Installation Guide).
It is available for download at this page as well as included in the product package.

WiFi network stopped working, I need to connect PowerCable MQTT 101x to a different WiFi network. But I do not want to reset the product to factory defaults.

Yes, there are two possible ways to do this:
1) Leave the device powered on and hold the button for 15 seconds until the LED flashes (yellow). The device will re-enter the installation AP mode, where you can connect to its WiFi AP and select another available network from the list.

2) Turn off the PowerCable, use the “NETIO Mobile 2” app to configure new WiFi parameters (SSID + password) over NFC, and then turn the PowerCable back on.

Is it possible to control the PowerCable MQTT 101x output using a mobile app?

Yes, in several ways.

We released new “NETIO Mobile 2” app for Android, which supports this product. For iOS mobile devices, NETIO mobile app upgrade is not available yet.

However, thanks to the open API, third-party MQTT mobile apps can be used, too. For details, see AN40: Getting started with PowerCable MQTT-flex via HiveMQ MQTT broker to mobile App

Can PowerCable MQTT restart a device remotely?

Yes, with the “Short OFF” command the power to the device can be switched off for e.g. 5 seconds. After that, the PowerCable restores the power even without a WiFi connection.

A typical application involves a remote restart function where the user needs to send, over the Web or via MQTT, a command that momentarily switches the output off and then switches it back on. This is typically used to restart a LTE / WLAN modem; PowerCable controls the power to the modem.

Can PowerCable MQTT switch on an output at a specified time?

No, PowerCable MQTT 101x does not contain the Scheduler function.
A timing or scheduling function can be implemented in the master system. 

Is it possible to control PowerCable MQTT 101x using an IoT cloud?

Yes. PowerCable MQTT includes an open API. We are continuously publishing ANxx (Application Notes) that describe how to connect the product to various third-party systems.

How can I get the measured values when using the WiFi power cable as a consumption meter – an electrical cable with kWh meter?

Use the NETIO-data-collector application or one of the recommended third-party apps. If you cannot find a suitable solution, please contact us.

I need a MQTT broker to test the PowerCable MQTT. Does NETIO provide a broker?

No, all our examples, such as the AN40, use the MQTT broker by HiveMQ. Its unsecured version is accessible free of charge. See AN40.

Are any OEM modifications of the product possible?

Yes. We offer the “PowerCable OEM DevKit” product for deliveries of custom versions.

For more information about OEM use, please contact us.

What is the difference between MQTT and MQTT-flex?

MQTT-flex is a NETIO extension of the standard MQTT protocol. The extension uses a configuration text file to specify the MQTT message structure, the MQTT broker address where messages are sent, and the periodicity. In this way, a complete configuration of the MQTT communication can be transferred in a single text file.



Photo and video

Product comparison

  Connection Switched
Inputs NFC Web


Mobile App HTTPs Open APIs
2xLAN 4xC13 4 ZCS RS-232 - Yes Yes Lua scripts Ping Yes iOS

15 protocols

LAN 4xC13 - ZVS - - Yes Yes Condition
& Rules
Ping Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
LAN 4xC13 4 ZCS 1xDI (S0) - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerPDU 8QS LAN 8xC13 1+1 ZVS 1xDI (S0) - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerPDU 8KS LAN 8xC13 8 ZCS 1xDI (S0) - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
2+2 2 ZCS / - 2xDI
- Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerBOX 3Px LAN 3x - ZVS - - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerBOX 4Kx LAN 4x 4 ZCS - - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerBOX 4Kx WiFi


4x 4 ZCS - - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerCable REST WiFi 1x 1 ZCS - Yes Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerCable 2PZ LAN
2x - ZVS - - Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols
PowerCable 2KZ LAN
2x 2 ZCS 2xDI
- Yes Yes Condition
​& Rules
Ping + Power Yes iOS 
- 10 protocols



Available models

WiFi cloud MQTT power socket for remote control and remote power analysis
PowerCable MQTT 101E

Smart 230V/16A power extension cable with WiFi and energy metering for industrial cloud IoT applications. Socket type E – FR is used in France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland.

Smart WiFi cloud oriented power socket remote controlled from any Cloud
PowerCable MQTT 101F

Smart 230V/16A power extension cable with WiFi and energy metering for industrial cloud IoT applications. Socket type F – DE Schuko is used in most European countries.

Cloud oriented WiFi power cord with MQTT communication for remote power management
PowerCable MQTT 101G

Smart 230V/13A power extension cable with WiFi and energy metering for industrial cloud IoT applications. Socket type G - UK is used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaysia, ...

NETIO PowerCable MQTT power socket with power metering for energy analysis from any cloud (MQTT)
PowerCable MQTT 101J

Smart 230V/10A power extension cable with WiFi and energy metering for industrial cloud IoT applications. Socket type CH (Type J) – Switzerland.

IoT WiFi smart power socket NETIO PowerCable MQTT for remote power management
PowerCable MQTT 101S

Smart power extension cable with WiFi and energy metering for industrial cloud IoT applications. International version with IEC-320 C13/C14 connectors – 110/230V – 50/60Hz.


Lan ports: 
LAN ethernet switch: 
WiFi AP mode: 
Blue Tooth 4.0 LE: 
Serial port (RS-232): 
SMS Alerts: 
Email alerts: 
Mobile App: 
Scheduler (Chytrý kalendář): 
IP Watchdog Hearbeat): 
Warranty 2: 
6 Months
Protection 2: 
Rack montage: 
Product dimensions: 
340 x 58 x 90 mm
Product weight: 
1,18 Kg
Shipping package: 
420 x 65 x 130 / 1350 g
SNMP v1: 
SNMP v3: 
User certificates: 
MS Azure (MQTT): 
Power Output: 
4x DE (Type F - Schuko)
Power Input: 
230V AC
Power Output sockets: 
Power Input: 
Europlug - cable 1m
Power In max current: 
Max one socket current: 
Power fuse: 
External, mechanical
Current meter: 
Metered values: 
Energy meter: 
XML interface accessible in LUA: 
SNMP interface accessible in LUA: 
Web buttons accessible in LUA: 
CGI interface accessible in LUA: 
PING interface accessible in LUA: 
RS-232 accessible in LUA: 
Online demo IP address:
Show download for mobile: 

Ask for a price or technical parameters

For device testing use name/password demo/demo